Friday 3 April 2009

Fox Hunting

Is fox hunting bad? I know of many people who want the sport completely banned and argue that it is an infringement of animal rights.
Although riders cannot hunt with the dogs and savage the foxes, they are still permitted to chase and kill foxes if they are flushed out of their dens with guns whilst on horseback.
However, I fail to see what is wrong with fox hunting... I am proud to say that I have been hunting myself, and so have many of my friends back at home in Derbyshire. It is an enjoyable experience for both a horseback rider and a horse - a fast paced ride around the countryside. It is also an old English sport - part of our tradition / culture and we should not allow our English heritage to die out!
People are allowed to shoot foxes - they are classes as pests. The same goes with pigeons and grey squirrels. They are treated as vermin and often trapped anyway, so what's wrong with hunting them as long as it is humane? A Fox dies takes a lot longer to die after it has been shot, than if it would of been killed using hounds. A bite from a specially trained hound kills the foz instantly by snapping its spinal cord. Fox hunting has been proven as a successful way that people can control the population of foxes.
People hunt all over the world. We were born to hunt. So those people out there who eat meat... the meat that belonged to the animal you are eating probably died in much worst conditions, in a worse way and lived a worse life.
For the record, anyone who believes that the dogs maul the foxes are wrong - one nip at the back of the neck and the fox is dead. It barely feels the bite. More livestock is killed every year by foxes than foxes killed by hunts... so I don't get it?
Hunting is often frowned upon by those who know little about it. In my defence I will say - how can you say something is wrong/immoral is you do no know anything about it? An anti-fox hunting argument is 90% emotion and very little is based on fact.

Pictures of my hunt -

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