Tuesday 14 April 2009


The easiest shop to steal from? Claires Accessories. [Lol]

Stealing is the taking of things or being in possession of things that belong to someone else without their permission. Stealing is a common behavior in young children. Almost all children take things that don't belong to them at one time or another. Stealing, however, is a behavior that can be quite upsetting to parents. Many parents who have caught their children stealing worry that their children are on the road to becoming hardened criminals. These parents should be relieved to know that the vast majority of children who occasionally steal grow up to be law abiding citizens. While stealing is often considered a normal or common behavior in young children, it must still be addressed and corrected.

I think it's fair to say that nearly every single one of us has shop lifted something in our lives. Whether it has been accidental or on purpose.
I remember my first experience of stealing - I was at primary school and in year 2. As a class we were using beads to help us learn about probability for our maths SATS paper, which was approaching. I recall taking a large wooden blue bead from the pot and placing it in my labelled tray, before taking it home that evening. But perhaps the part that I remember the most was the guilt I felt afterwards which resulted in me returning the bead to the bead pot without anyone noticing.
When I look back I know it was a harmless act of stealing. There were plenty of beads and the teacher never knew or would of known that one was missing, yet I still felt the inclination to return the bead that I stole. And since THAT day I have never taken anything without paying for it or asking first. I don't think I could handle the guilt again.

So...is shoplifting stealing?
Of course it is! Products are available in shops for people to buy. So if you do not pay for something then it is of course stealing from the shop.
Shoplifting or stealing is often described as being addictive.
The moment you steal something you feel a rush of excitement- [The thrill of not getting caught]
- and then you seek out more things to steal which results in another rush and so on...
In my opinion any form of stealing for any reason is wrong! Even Aladdin was wrong to steal that loaf of bread for those hungry children, as he was deducting money from someone else who may need it.


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