Tuesday 5 May 2009

Sexual Deviance

Sometimes I find it a little disturbing, when I walk into Ann Summers and see the kinky whips and chains hung on the back wall. I think to myself...why would anyone want to hit and punish their partner as part of foreplay.

I'd be too embarrassed, personally. But, people must find it sexually stimulating, otherwise they wouldn't sell these types of leather-bound sex toys.

I do find it interesting as to why we feel this way about certain sexual deviance's in society today, because other forms of what can be considered as 'bad' behaviour is considered the 'norm' - such as drugs, smoking and hooligans.

I want to relate this post to something in particular, which was splashed over the papers quite recently. You will find the particular story here:

After reading the article I was shocked by the way the newspaper reported it, rather than focusing on the actual 'problems' faced by the community.

Yes, in Ann Summers it is limp and lifeless, and we can sometimes, find it a little disturbing.

But when it is plastered over our tabloids like this, we seem to feel less inclined to use or think about it.

I see nothing wrong with the use of S&M and as long as people perform acts associated with this type of hardcore sex indoors I do not believe that it is bad or wrong in any way. However, I feel that all people that are participating in this type of love making should have given their consent prior to any violent act.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that article is ridiculous. People can participate in any sexual activity that they want as long as it is consenual. Meaning, two people gave consent. Animals cant give consent and neither can children and adults under the influence.

    I think that just by calling the sexual behavior deviant it is saying something. I am taking a course about sex in 18c London and it talks about the acts that were considered deviant back in the day. Oral sex was one of them. Nowadays tons of people have and give oral sex and talk about it freely. What we consider deviant is pretty much anything that is not the norm and all the norm says is that a lot of people do it. Sexuality is very fluent and a lot of things that people like, fetishes, are natural. Foot fetishes used to be deviant. Now its just a lil awkward. lol. Oh and also, Freud considered women who couldnt orgasm from penetration as deviant. Now, we know that many women are unable to orgasm without direct clitoral stimulation. What is deviant is controlled by the majority.
