Thursday 16 April 2009

Bandits and Outlaws

I found this lecture particularly interesting. Not in an factual way, but in a 'Oh! I've never considered that concept" kind of way.

It never seems to cross our minds that idols like Robin Hood and Jesse James were in fact outlaws; people that were wanted by the law. If we place ourselves back into the times these particular men were around, I'm sure we would be on the side of the law.

It doesn't matter which way we look at it - these people stole from the wealthier citizens and perhaps in some case, distributed some of their acquired possessions to the less fortunate ones.

Surely if this was to happen in today's modern society then the persons would be labelled a criminal!

In my opinion these types of bandits and outlaws were bad, despite their contribution to the poor. My conclusion was reached by thinking through the laws and morals of a modern society. I believe that justifying this type of behaviour simply justifies stealing or shoplifting. Similarly, we can relate the same type of behaviour to that of religion. The Bible states that all adulteresses should be stoned to death, so that gives us the right to do it? Of course it doesn't!

Children or the easily influenced may use the acts of Robin Hood to explain why they are also allowed to steal from people. Basically: "Robin Hood stole from people, so why can't I?"

P.s. Sexy photograph of Jonas Armstrong :P

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